Welcome to CS 61A!
Berkeley CS61A 课程的电子书已经非常详尽地涵盖了大部分理论内容。因此,在我的笔记中,我将主要关注那些电子书中未包含的部分,例如电子书中不涉及的课程视频记录以及如何结合电子书观看视频。为了优化学习体验,我会提供一些指引,比如推荐书籍的某一节与对应的视频课程相结合的学习方法,你可以选择先阅读书籍再观看视频,或者反之。请注意,我的笔记将不会详尽复述书中的内容,而是侧重于提供一些电子书上没有涵盖的信息、简要的PPT描述,或是对课程的精简总结。希望这种方式能帮助你更有效地掌握 CS61A 的课程内容。
- Spring 2023 课程官网
- Spring 2020 课程官网
- Composing Programs 中文版
- UCB CS 61A: Computer Programs, Spring 2023 视频 Bilibili
- 相关介绍
- Lecture 1. Computer Science
- Lab 0. Setup
- Lecture 2. Functions
- Lecture 2. Q&A
- Homework 1. Hints
- Lecture 3. Control
- Lecture 3. Q&A
- Lecture 4. Higher-Order Functions
- Lecture 4 Q&A
- Project 1. Hog Hint
- Lecture 5. Environments
- Lecture 5. Q&A
- Lab 2. Lambda Expression
- Lab 2. Multiple Environment
- Lecture 6. Design
- Lecture 6. Q&A
- Lecture 7. Function Examples
- Lecture 7. Q&A
- Lecture 8. Recursion
- Lecture 8. Q&A
- Lecture 9. Tree Recursion
- Lecture 9. Q&A
- Homework 2. Recursion Hint
- Lecture 10. Containers
- Lecture 10. Q&A
- Lecture 11. Data Abstraction
- Lecture 11. Q&A
- Project 2. Cats Hint
- Lecture 12. Trees
- Lecture 12. Q&A
- Lecture 13. Binary Numbers
- Lecture 13. Q&A
- Lecture 14. Circuits
- Lecture 14. Q&A
- Lecture 15. Mutable Values
- Lecture 15. Q&A
- Homework 3. Trees, Data Abstraction Hint
- Lecture 16. Mutable Functions
- Lecture 16. Q&A
- Lecture 17. Iterations
- Lecture 17. Q&A
- Lecture 18. Objects
- Lecture 18. Q&A
- Homework 4. Nonlocal, Iterators Hint
- Lecture 19. Inheritance
- Lecture 19. Q&A
- Project 3. Ants Hint
- Lecture 20. Representation
- Lecture 20. Q&A
- Lecture 21. Composition
- Lecture 21. Q&A
- Homework 5. OOP, Linked List, Trees Hint
- Lecture 22. Efficiency
- Lecture 22. Q&A
- Lecture 23. Decomposition
- Lecture 23. Q&A
- Lecture 24. Data Example
- Lecture 24. Q&A
- Lecture 25. Users
- Lecture 25. Q&A
- Lecture 26. Ethical AI & Data
- Lecture 27. Scheme
- Lecture 27. Q&A
- Homework 6. Scheme Hint
- Lecture 28. Exception
- Lecture 28. Q&A
- Lecture 29. Calculater
- Lecture 29. Q&A
- Homework 7. Scheme Lists Hint
- Lecture 30. Interpreters
- Lecture 30. Q&A
- Lab 11. Interpreters REPL
- Lecture 31. Declarative Programming
- Lecture 31. Q&A
- Homework 8. More Scheme Hint
- Lecture 32. Tables
- Lecture 32. Q&A
- Lecture 33. Aggregation
- Lecture 33. Q&A
- Lecture 34. Database
- Lecture 34. Q&A
- Homework 9. SQL Hint
- Lecture 35. Tail Calls
- Lecture 35. Q&A
- Lecture 36. Macros
- Lecture 36. Q&A
- Lecture 37. Final Example
- Lecture 37. Q&A
- Lecture 38, Conclusion
- Lecture 38, Q&A
- Final Review 1. Iterators Generators
- Final Review 2. Tree Recursion
- Final Review 3. Trees
- Final Review 4. OOP
- Final Review 5. SQL
- Final Review 6. Mutable Functions and Operators
- Final Review 7. Scheme
- Final Review 8. Linked Lists